S.V. Marshall Elementary School

Enter to Learn and Leave to Succeed

Message to Parents


    S.V. Marshall Elementary's mission is to build a collaborative learning culture that replaces the compliance orientation with one of engagement, collaboration, and learning; and that develops and implements coherent system-wide strategies that support the kind of teaching and learning necessary for student achievement.  

    To complete our mission, we have outlined three goals we can accomplish with your continued support:

    Goal #1- Improve student outcome by increasing proficiency in math, ela, and science. 

    Goal #2- Maintain a safe and conducive learning environment for our students and staff.

    Goal #3- Increase parent engagement to show combined support. 

    Parents, with your help, we can achieve all three goals listed above. If there is anything that the S.V. Marshall Elementary family can do to assist you and your child in any way, please do not hesitate to contact us.

    We are, "Every Student, Every Opportunity, and Every Chance". 

    Natasha Simmons 



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