• 2021-2022 Safe Return Plan

    We are excited to welcome our students and staff back to school in August! The District is working hard to incorporate many safeguards to help keep our students and staff as safe as possible while implementing a virtual instructional model to begin the school year. This information is based on the latest guidance from the CDC, the Mississippi Department of Health, the Mississippi Department of Education, and other authorities. Please note that details are subject to change based on guidelines from local, state and federal authorities. 

    HCCSD Safe Return Plan PDF

  • Frequently Asked Questions

Academic Programming

  • How will the school district take attendance in a hybrid or virtual schedule?

  • How does the district plan to ensure mastery of content for Carnegie credit courses?

  • Briefly describe the school district’s contingency plan for scheduling instructional delivery to students should the district or school(s) have to close due to an outbreak?

  • What is the school district’s plan for scheduling instructional delivery students when school opens?

Health & Safety

  • How does the district intend to ensure safety of students, staff, and spectators involved in cocurricular and extracurricular activities (athletics, band, choir, etc.)?

  • Who is responsible for overseeing health and safety within the district?

  • How will the district identify and address the needs of students and staff with underlying health conditions?

  • Which of the following cleaning and sanitation topics are addressed in the district’s comprehensive plan?

  • If requiring masks of students, what ages / grade levels will be required to wear a mask?

  • Does the district plan to require masks of students and adults while being transported and on campus?


  • How will the district communicate with families should there be an outbreak that necessitates immediate closure?

  • How will the district communicate its comprehensive plan regularly with families?


  • What are the planned start and end dates for students?

  • Where will the school district provide meals to students?

  • How will the school district provide transportation?

Family & Community Support

  • How will the district provide technology and academic support to families?